Jan. 14-17 |
Young Adult Ski Retreat |
Jan. 21-23 |
Metropolis Presvyteres Retreat |
Jan. 29 |
Metropolis Church Music Federation Winter Business Meeting |
Jan. 30 |
Celebration of the Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs |
Feb 12 |
Metropolis Leadership Seminar – Northern CA
Feb. 19 |
Metropolis Philoptochos Board Meeting |
Feb. 17-20 |
35th Annual Folk Dance and Choral Festival |
Mar. 1 |
Lenten Online Book Club Begins |
Mar. 4-6 |
Southern California GOYA Retreat |
Mar. 6 |
Forgiveness Vespers |
Mar 19 |
Pan-Orthodox Lenten Youth Rally
Mar. 26 |
Bay Area Youth Worker Seminar |
Apr. 2 |
Metropolis Leadership Seminar – Southwest |
Apr. 2 |
Northwest District Oratorical Festival |
Apr. 2 |
Southern California District Oratorical Festival |
Apr. 3 |
Central California District Oratorical Festival |
Apr. 9 |
Metropolis Leadership Seminar – Southern California |
Apr. 10 |
Southwest District Oratorical Festival |
Apr. 30 |
Greek Education Teachers’ Workshop |
May 7 |
Metropolis Oratorical Festival |
May 13-14 |
Metropolis Spiritual Renewal Seminar |
May 15 |
Kids ‘n’ Cancer Spring Reception |
May 15-16 |
Metropolis Council Meeting |
May 16-17 |
Metropolis Clergy-Laity Assembly |
May 17–18 |
Metropolis Clergy Retreat |
May 23 |
Religious Education Online Webinar Presentation |
May 27-30 |
Spring Family Camp |
Jun 2-5 |
Kids ‘n’ Cancer Reception |
Jun 9 - 12 |
Kids ‘n’ Cancer Camp Agape |
Jun 17 - 18 |
Metropolis Church Music Federation Conference |
Jun 18 - 25 |
Greek Village Immersion Camp |
We are a vibrant and dynamic region serving the Greek Orthodox faithful in the western United States. I encourage you to visit our website regularly for the latest information on our many programs and ministries. May you be blessed with "every good and perfect gift from above" (James 1:17), and may all our work in the vineyard of the Lord glorify His name!
photo credit: Kostas Petrakos
"On Mid-Pentecost we hear the call of the Lord: 'Whosoever thirsteth, let him come to Me and drink' (John 7:37). If this is so, then let us all run to Him. Whatever you thirst for - so long as it is not contrary to the Spirit of the Lord - you will find relief in Him." -St Theophan the Recluse, 1815-1894 Read more...
The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco will again be sponsoring again this summer its second annual Greek Village Immersion Camp, “To Elliniko Horio”, which will be held June 18 – 25, 2011 at Saint Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center in Dunlap, CA, for children ages 7 thru 14. Read more...
"Why do you seek the living among the dead?”(Luke 24:5), the angel asked the Myrrh-bearing women. These faithful followers of Christ had come to the tomb to complete the Jewish burial rituals for the dead. They expected to find the battered body of their crucified Master. Instead, they met an angel with news beyond comprehension and an empty tomb to prove it. The Son of God has triumphed. The Life-Giver is more powerful than death. The grave could not contain the uncontainable God. Read more...
The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco has been a member of various faith based organizations with the purpose of witnessing and sharing the teachings of our Christian Orthodox Faith. Membership in such organizations, however, does not mean that the Greek Orthodox Church accepts or supports initiatives that may be taken by a particular organization. Read more...
The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco announces the passing of Rev. Father John Asimacopoulos, age 79, on March 17, 2011 following a brief illness. Father John was a devoted priest who served the Metropolis with distinction since his ordination in 1957. At the time of his passing, Father John was the proistamenos of Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in San Jose, CA, where he has been serving since 1987. Father John was involved in all facets of the Metropolis of San Francisco including serving as an active member of the Metropolis Council and the Board of Saint Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center, Vicar of the Bay Area Vicariate, and Chair of the Metropolis Committee on Greek Education and Culture. Read more...
The annual Hellenic Cultural Parade in observance of Greek Independence Day has been a longstanding event in San Francisco for several years. This celebration is an important demonstration of our cultural pride and is a time for us to honor our forefathers who sacrificed so much for the preservation of our ancestral homeland of Greece. The parade provides a unique opportunity to share with the greater San Francisco community our devotion to the preservation and promotion of our Hellenic heritage. Read more...
We are all aware of the recent devastating earthquake that hit Japan in more recent days. The effects of this natural disaster on their country are innumerable with loss of life, homes, jobs, and more. The aftermath of this earthquake extended over the Pacific Ocean to the west coast where damage and injury have impacted people in California, Oregon and Hawaii. Read more...
4th Thursday after Pascha