Dear Beloved in the Lord,
“You have made the earth tremble; You have broken it; Heal its breaches, for it is shaking.”
Psalm 60:2
We are all aware of the recent devastating earthquake that hit Japan in more recent days. The effects of this natural disaster on their country are innumerable with loss of life, homes, jobs, and more. The aftermath of this earthquake extended over the Pacific Ocean to the west coast where damage and injury have impacted people in California, Oregon and Hawaii.
I have asked that our parishes offer the following prayer at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy this Sunday, March 13, 2011 seeking the Lord’s mercy and protection on all those who have been affected by this tragedy throughout the world. Please also include this as part of your personal daily prayers for we know that through the power of prayer and God’s mercy those who are suffering may find peace and comfort.
Almighty Lord, You Who are most merciful and compassionate, we beseech You to calm the earth and waters and bring peace and healing to all those who are suffering from the devastating earthquake in Japan. Grant them Your strength to endure the hardships they are facing and the courage to rebuild their country. We also ask, O Lord, that you grant eternal repose to all those who have lost their lives and receive them into Your Kingdom. May You stretch forth Your mighty hand upon their families who are suffering not only at the loss of their loved ones, but for the loss of their homes and homeland. You, O Lord, are the calm of every storm and You are the Hope for all those who call upon Your name, and to You we ascribe glory, together with Your eternal Father, and Your All-Holy, Good, and Life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
May the Lord grant you a peaceful journey through Great and Holy Lent culminating in a joyous celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection.
With Love in Christ,
Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco
4th Friday after Pascha