The following papers, written for college classes, serve as examples of my writing. They are listed in reverse-chronological order.
Bunker Hill Community College
Mass Media – Fall 2012 – Final Exam
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Marriage and Family – Spring 2010 – “Jim” and “Mary”: A Happily Married Couple
Ecumenical Patriarchate Seminar – Spring 2010 – St. Gregory the Theologian
Monasticism and Spirituality – Spring 2009 – Abba Dorotheos of Gaza (Abba, meaning “father,” is an honorific title for a religious scholar, leader, or experienced monk.)
Canon Law – Spring 2009 – Canon 16 of the First Ecumenical Council (A canon is a decree issued jointly by the bishops and priests gathered at a Church council.)
The Gospel of John – Summer 2007 – Exegesis: The Shepherd and the Sheep (Exegesis means “critical explanation or interpretation of a text.”)