Research Databases
There are three ways to explore the research databases. You can browse by subject, browse by vendor, or view the entire collection alphabetically. - BHCC Research Tips - Feedback
Please Note: to use these resources from home or another remote location via the World Wide Web, all users must obtain a BHCC ID card and have an active library barcode attached to the card.
Additional Resources
Serials Solutions: Locate individual journals within the library's online databases by title, ISSN, or subject.
Periodicals in Print: Browse our collection of magazines, journals and newspapers.
eBooks & eAudiobooks: Visit the BHCC Library eBooks & eAudiobooks Homepage for more information.
Online Digital Archives: - - Visit the BHCC library webpage for links to online internet archives that are free and accessible by all.
Research Tools
NoodleTools - An easy-to-use citation tool. Create MLA & APA works cited lists and bibliographies.
RefWorks - A research management, writing, collaboration and citations tool for serious researchers.
Database & Tool Descriptions
NOTE: You must disable your computer's pop-up blocker in order to use this database.
The ARTstor Digital Library provides more than one million images with tools for teaching and research. Its collections comprise contributions from outstanding museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists' estates from all over the world (see the full list here: The collections encompass a wide variety of subject areas, including art, architecture, music, religion, anthropology, literature, world history, American Studies, Asian Studies, Classical Studies, Medieval Studies, Renaissance Studies, and more (find sample subject guides here:
A to Z Maps is an online database of free maps.
The career research resources of Career Insider as provided by Vault provide in-depth information on careers and industries around the globe.
Academic world's primary source of news and trend analysis. Includes fully searchable full-text, job announcements, reports on developments in information technology, and links to other Internet resources in higher education.
Lengthy, original, and comprehensive reports and analysis on current news topics such as health, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the U.S. economy. Reports include history of issues and analysis of multiple sides of each issue.
Full-text encyclopedias and guides to most areas of study. Includes titles like: law and medical dictionaries, art and art image guides, food, music, science, and technology encyclopedias. For help, see these Credo tours.
ebrary is large collection of eBooks spanning multiple subject areas. With ebrary you can search and view the full text of thousands of books through your web browser. You can also create a free ebrary account which allows you to highlight text, take notes, and create a personalized bookshelf. You can get help with ebrary here.
Provides access to multiple databases of scholarly journals and newspapers -- most including full-text articles -- divided into several collections: general academic, business, nursing, psychology, and more. For help, see the following tutorials: Basic Search, Advanced Search & Visual Search
EBSCO also provides online access to the full-text of over 3,300 eBooks on subjects as diverse as computer programming, current literature, medicine, business, and law. 1,600 Project Gutenberg books, representing classic historical and literary works that have moved into the public domain are also available.
The EBSCO eBook Collection was formerly known as NetLibrary.
Science Full-Text Select can now be found in Ebsco. It was formerly from H.W. Wilson.
Full-text, general subject magazines, newspapers, and reference books as well as transcripts, maps, pictures, web links and audio-visual files.
The Educational Resources Information Center, (ERIC), is a national information system designed to provide users with ready access to an extensive body of education-related literature. ERIC, established in 1966, is sponsored by the: Institute of Education Sciences (IES) and the U.S. Department of Education.
This database contains more than 850,000 abstracts of documents and journal articles on education research and practice. You can access ERIC online through the World Wide Web or via commercial vendors. You can also access ERIC in print with the Resources in Education and Current Index to Journals in Education.
- Facts On File Issues & Controversies - Issues and Controversies helps researchers understand the crucial issues we face today, exploring more than 800 hot topics in business, politics, government, education, and popular culture. Updated weekly, with links to a 12-year back-file, Issues and Controversies offers in-depth articles made to inspire thought-provoking debates. This database is great for research papers and debate preparation.
Films on Demand provides access to thousands of streaming videos in a wide range of subject areas. Films can be viewed in a web browser with no software to install or files to download. Films Media Group is the leading source of high-quality video and multimedia for academic, vocational and life-skills content.
FirstSearch is designated for use by faculty and students working on intensive projects, is accessible through the use of a password. Upon completion of a specialized workshop, the library staff will provide this password for use in accessing the FirstSearch service.
FirstSearch provides access to over 60 research databases that can provide citations to books and magazine articles published on a broad range of subjects. Each record in FirstSearch displays information indicating whether the BHCC Library owns the material. For some databases, full text documents are available and can be viewed online, printed or e-mailed.
Provides access to multiple full-text databases of scholarly journals and newspapers on subjects ranging from literature and literary criticism to biography to health to business and technology research. For help, see the Gale Guided Tutorial Page.
Contains the backfiles (older issues) of over 50 scholarly journals; the most recent several years (usually 3-5 years) of any particular journal are not available via JSTOR. Includes almost one hundred years worth of articles, depending upon the start date of each individual journal, and is an ongoing project with and the number of archived journals constantly increasing. For help, see the JSTOR tutorials.
Provides access to national and international newspapers, business and industry reports, and legal information including law reviews, federal and state laws, and individual cases.
Library-Produced Database Guide: LexisNexis Tips
MEDLINEplus - MEDLINEplus is a website and database produced by the: National Library of Medicine. In addition to providing access to the NLM's MEDLINE database containing thousands of journal article abstracts on all manner of medical topics, MEDLINEplus offers links to medical dictionaries, directories for finding doctors or hospitals, and other medical organizations and publications which provide information to consumers. A Spanish-language version of this resource is available at:
PubMed - PubMed is a database comprised of approximately 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books including many links to free full-text articles. PubMed citations and abstracts include the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and preclinical sciences. PubMed also provides access to additional relevant Web sites and links to the other NCBI molecular biology resources.
NewsBank provides full-text access to Springfield Republican (1/1988 to current) and Cape Cod Times (11/1998 to current). The Republican provides extensive coverage for Springfield and Western Massachusetts. The paper features news, opinion, sports, obituaries, arts & entertainment and business coverage. The Republican's main office is in Springfield, with news bureaus in Chicopee, Greenfield, Holyoke, Northampton, Palmerand and Westfield.The Cape Cod Times was first published in October 1936. The paper is published in Hyannis, Massachusetts, the largest of seven villages on Cape Cod and the commercial and transportation hub of the Cape. Access provided by the Massachusetts Library System.
Several helpful citation aids including NoodleBib, which is an excellent resource for creating bibliographies, works cited, or reference lists. Both MLA and APA style citations are supported. For help, see NoodleTools Bib Overview Tour.
Overdrive provides online access to downloadable eBooks and eAudiobooks.
A collection of topic overviews and analysis presenting both sides of many current and controversial issues. Great for opinion and argument papers. From EBSCO.
ProQuest provides access to four databases: Ethnic Newswatch, Entrepreneurship, Criminal Justice Periodicals Index, and Massachusetts Newsstand. Click on the ProQuest Databases link above to access all four databases.
Criminal Justice Periodicals Index provides access to over 200 publications in criminal justice, encompassing corrections administration, criminal and family law, drug rehabilitation, industrial security, law enforcement, and social work; some full-text included.
Proquest Entrepreneurship bridges theory with practice, covering a wide spectrum of resources useful to educators, researchers, students and practitioners.
Content ranges from the scholarly - including journals, dissertations, working papers and conference proceedings - to a full toolkit of practical guides, templates, forms, sample business plans and tips from successful entrepreneur in a wide range of formats - from video to downloadable Word and Excel files, as well as traditional text and PDFs.Ethnic NewsWatch contains over 200 publications of the ethnic, minority and native press; searchable in both English and Spanish, with titles in both languages and more than 100,000 articles in Spanish.
Proquest Newspapers/Massachusetts Newsstand offers electronic access to the editions of record for The Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Worcester Telegram & Gazette, and more. For help, see the Proquest (Massachusetts Newsstand) help guide PDF.
RefWorks is restricted for use only by persons with BHCC email addresses. For assistance, please see the RefWorks tutorials.
Sage Publishing provides online full-text access to 16 academic journals accross multiple disciplines. Please note that coverage ranges correspond to past library subscriptions and do not necessarily cover up to the present day. Click here for a title list and coverage ranges.
Please note that Sage Publishing Online will allow you to see many titles that the BHCC Library does not have access to. You will only be able to access the articles that fall within the coverage ranges listed in the document above. You can filter your search results to display only the titles that the BHCC Library has access to. However, Sage Publishing Online will only provide title-level filtering. You will still need to consult the coverage ranges to see whether a specific issue is accessible. Please see a librarian if you have questions.
- Salem Press eBooks
The Salem Press eBook collection provides access to multiple eBook titles covering Literature, Health, Science, and History. The full text of all titles can be searched, browsed, printed, and downloaded.
Serials Solutions is a tool that allows you to find specific electronic journals and to pinpoint their location within BHCC's collection of research databases. If you know the journal you are looking for, you can search by title or ISSN. If you don't know the title, you can browse by subject or by using the A-Z title list.
Over 330 full-text journals, many peer-reviewed, focusing on General Science, Applied Science and Technology, and Agriculture. Subjects include the study of food and energy issues, the environment, biological and chemical sciences, and engineering and computing technology. For help, see the Science Full Text tutorials.
- Sharpe Online Reference
Sharpe Online Reference provides online access to two sets of reference books: "Social Issues in America", and "Conflicts Since WWII." The full text of all titles can be searched, browsed, printed, and downloaded.