Library FAQ- What are the Library's regular hours?
- How do I contact the Library?
- Where is the Library?
- I'm new at Bunker Hill Community College. What can the Library do for me? (for both students and faculty & staff)
- How do I get a library card?
- What are the lending guidelines for the library?
- How do I get a student ID card?
- How do I get a distance learning library card number?
- How do I get a Personal Identification Number (PIN)?
- Can the Library release patron information?
- How do I suggest a book for the collection?
- Are Library statistics available?
- Does the library sell books?
- Does the Library order textbooks?
- Can I talk in the library?
- Can I charge my phone or mobile device in the library?
- For how long can I check out a book?
- What happens when a book or another library item is overdue?
- What happens if I lose a book and cannot return it?
- How do I access course reserves?
- Can I borrow a book if it is on display?
- Does the library provide research assistance?
- Can I access the internet in the library? Can I print in the library?
- Does the library have museum passes?
- Does the library offer any self-help handouts or materials?
- Can I access the library catalog from home?
- How can I find an article in a journal or magazine online?
- How can I access the research databases from home?
- Where can I get help with ebrary?
- Can you help me to borrow books from other libraries?
- How are books borrowed through ILL returned?
- Can I return a book to the BHCC library that I borrowed from another library such as the Boston Public Library?
- Does the library have reading software for visually impaired people?
- Does the library offer ADA-compliant services and facilities?
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
The BHCC Library is closed on College holidays. Outside fall and spring semesters it is advisable to call the Library's Lending Services desk at 617-228-2213 for operating hours.
Lending Services
(617) 228-2213
Public Services (617) 228-3479
Information Services (617) 228-2211
Fax: (617) 228-3288
E-mail: BHCCLibrary@bhcc.mass.edu
The library is in room E300
on the third floor of the E Building on the Charlestown Campus of Bunker
Hill Community College. The mailing address is:
Bunker Hill Community College Library & Learning Commons
250 New Rutherford Avenue
Boston, MA 02129-2925
Click here for directions to the Charlestown Campus via public transportation and car.
I'm new at Bunker Hill Community College. What can the library do for me? (for both students and faculty & staff)
- I'm a student:
The Library is a center of learning and information. An array of materials - books, magazines and journals, electronic databases, and Internet access - is available for use. The Library also provides reference assistance to help answer questions and provide guidance in conducting searches for information. In addition, the Library also provides other services, such as the Museum Pass Program, which grants free or reduced admission for several area museums, and the New Book Program, which provides access to some recent bestsellers.
- I'm a faculty/staff member:
As a center of information and learning, the Library can help compliment your instruction in the classroom by providing access to current information. Information Literacy Workshops are available to help your students learn how to access the most recent resources. In addition, placing materials on Reserve can increase the access that students have to complementary information for your courses.
- If you are a BHCC student, faculty member or staff member, your Bunker Hill Community College ID card is your library card. If you do not yet have a BHCC ID, stop by the ID Station located on the current periodicals side of the Lending Services desk in the library to get one.
- Please click HERE for the library's lending guidelines.
How do I get a student ID card?
- All new students must obtain their BHCC student ID cards within the first five weeks of the semester.
To obtain a BHCC student ID card, come to the BHCC Library Lending Services Desk ID Station and bring the following:
1. A printout of your registration (class schedule of current semester)
2. Government-issued photo ID card (school ID cards from other educational institutes are NOT accepted).
- Please see the library's distance learning guidelines for instructions on how to obtain a distance learning library card number.
How do I get a Personal Identification Number (PIN)?
- Go to the Lending Services desk in the Library and ask for a
PIN (Personal Identification Number).
We will enter the PIN into your record, but it will be immediately encrypted so that no one, including library staff, will be able to see your PIN at any time. You can change your PIN at any time, and we recommend that you change the number that you are first given to something that will be simple for you to remember.
Once a PIN is issued, only the patron who received the PIN has access to the actual number. The BHCC Library staff cannot retrieve lost PINs. In the event you forget or lose your PIN, a new one can be issued to you in its place.
For more information about NOBLE's confidentiality policy, click here.
For more information about the procedures in making a suggestion to the BHCC collection, click here.
To submit a collection request online, use the webpage found here.
Can I return a book to the BHCC library that I borrowed from another library such as the Boston Public Library
- Our library can send your books back as a convenience, but we run the risk of the ILL person at the home library not recognizing the item. Therefore, a note with all relevant information about you, the book, and the borrowing library should be wrapped around the book. As well, the note should say that you are returning the book through the BHCC Library via the ILL delivery truck. We will then make sure that the book gets to its destination and your account gets cleared.
- Click here to see library statistics.
- The BHCC Library does not sell books. If you want to buy textbooks
on campus, you need to go to the College Bookstore, located on the fourth
floor of the E building. The following is a list of links to websites you
can use to search for textbooks and to purchase textbooks online:
BestBuyBooks - BestBuyBooks enables one to "search dozens of bookstores to find the best price."
Abebooks.com - Abebooks.com enables the user to access the bookshelves of used, secondhand, rare and out-of-print booksellers around the world.
Alibris - Albris is the location to search for new, used and hard to find books in a worldwide network of booksellers and from the shelves of Albris.
All Bookstores.com - All Bookstores.com compares prices at many online bookstores enabling people to find the lowest prices on new and used books.
Amazon - Amazon is an online website for locating and buying all types of books.
Barnes and Noble is an online version of the store where one can find and buy the books that are in the store itself.
BookFinder.com - BookFinder.com is an "open marketplace for books online". Its goal is to provide fellow readers unbiased, real-time information about books available online.
College Textbooks at efollet - efollet is a bookstore network as well as an online campus store.
eCampus.com - eCampus.com is an online campus book store.
Half.com - Half.com is a discount site where you can buy and sell books, music, computers, electronics, DVDs and more.
Powells.com - Powell's Books describes itself as a "city of books" and a "legendary independent bookstore."
Buy College Textbooks from textbooksNow.com - textbooksNow.com is a website to buy used and new textbooks and to sell your textbooks.
Does the Library order textbooks?
- The Library does not, as a rule, order textbooks or place textbooks in the collection. To order textbooks, please contact the BHCC Bookstore at (617) 228-2304.
- To minimize noise, students are asked to use the study areas in the D-Building when access to Library materials is not necessary. The Library is a learning space, not a social space. Talking on cell phones is not allowed in the library and visitors are asked to turn off cell phone ringers. Covered drinks are allowed but eating is prohibited. Click here for detailed library use and access guidelines.
Can I charge my phone or mobile device in the library?
- The use of library outlets for the charging of devices is allowed if the charging process does not interfere with the use of library computers and other equipment.
Library users are encouraged to charge their devices outside of the library whenever possible. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen devices. Please do not leave your belongings unattended.
- Most circulating materials are checked out for a period of 14 days and may be renewed for up to six weeks. DVDs and videos are checked out for 3 days. The renewal option may be denied in the event another patron has submitted a request for the material. Click here for detailed library guidelines and procedures.
What happens when a book or another library item is overdue?
- Overdue fines vary depending on the type of item overdue. Timely renewals are possible. Overdue fines accrue until the item is returned. All circulating materials have specified loan periods with a date due. Overdue fines will be assessed for materials returned past the due date.
What happens if I lose a book and cannot return it?
- You will be billed for the replacement cost of the item which will be determined by the published market value. If prices are not available, a replacement fee of $25 or $15 will be charged for Hardcover and Paperback books respectively.
How do I access course reserves?
- Course reserves are available at the Lending Services desk. The standard loan period for reserves is 2 hours. Reserve items must be used inside the library and cannot be checked out.
Can I borrow a book if it is on display?
- Display items that have been selected from the circulating collection may be borrowed by library card holders and checked out at the Lending Services desk. Items from special book displays on campus or in the library can be borrowed upon the end of the display.
Does the library provide research assistance?
- Yes, librarians can provide research assistance in several ways. Walk-ins are welcome although students are encouraged to make an appointment for in-depth research questions. The library also provides “Wired for Success” sessions that serve as introductions to the library collection and to research methods and tools. See a librarian for details and schedules.
Can I access the internet in the library? Can I print in the library?
- Yes, all of the library computers have internet access. As part of a program to facilitate student research, the Library offers printing at no charge. Student cooperation is requested in the form of responsible use( i.e., printing only what is needed and not printing documents longer than 10 pages) to help keep printing free.
Does the library have museum passes?
- Yes, in conjunction with the Student Government Association, the library offers discounted passes or tickets to many area museums. Passes can be checked out at the Lending Services desk. Call the Lending Services desk at (617) 228-2213 to check availability.
Does the library offer any self-help handouts or materials?
- Yes, in an effort to support independent learning, the Library provides handouts that address questions about the Library, its policies and resources, and Information Literacy. Handouts can be found in display units near the Lending Services desk or online at www.noblenet.org/bhcc/handouts.htm.
You should go to the Articles Online page to find our collection of electronic databases which provide full text articles online.
You can also use Serials Solutions. This is a service for finding full text articles in e-journals and it is posted on the Articles Online web page under Additional Resources. The web address is http://ph8vq3lq6p.search.serialssolutions.com/.
- You need a current Bunker Hill Community College ID card that has been activated at the Library. If you have access to the Internet, visit: http://www.noblenet.org/bhcc/databases.htm. On this page you will find instructions for using each of the BHCC Library's online research databases as well as links that will take you directly to the specific databases. Once a database is chosen, you will then be prompted for your 14-digit barcode number (located on the back of your ID card) and your last name. Once entered, click on the "Submit" button.
Where can I get help with ebrary?
- What is ebrary?
- ebrary is large collection of eBooks spanning multiple subject areas. With ebrary you can search and view the full text of thousands of books through your web browser. You can also create a free ebrary account which allows you to highlight text, take notes, and create a personalized bookshelf.
- ebrary is large collection of eBooks spanning multiple subject areas. With ebrary you can search and view the full text of thousands of books through your web browser. You can also create a free ebrary account which allows you to highlight text, take notes, and create a personalized bookshelf.
- Can I print pages from ebrary books?
- Yes, however printing is limited to 10 copies/prints per session and 10 pages maximum per print job. Note: this is per eBook. If you move to another eBook during the same session, these rules will start over again. In addition, a session is considered to be each time you enter into ebary.
- Yes, however printing is limited to 10 copies/prints per session and 10 pages maximum per print job. Note: this is per eBook. If you move to another eBook during the same session, these rules will start over again. In addition, a session is considered to be each time you enter into ebary.
- Can I download ebrary books?
- No, you can only view ebrary books online.
- No, you can only view ebrary books online.
- Do I need to create an account to use ebrary?
- No, but creating an account gives you access to the more advanced features of ebrary.
- No, but creating an account gives you access to the more advanced features of ebrary.
- Do I need to install any software to use ebrary?
- No, ebrary runs right in your web browser. You can install ebrary Reader if you want a more complete reading experience.
- No, ebrary runs right in your web browser. You can install ebrary Reader if you want a more complete reading experience.
- Does the library have ebrary titles in print?
- The library owns some ebrary titles in print but most titles are only available online.
- The library owns some ebrary titles in print but most titles are only available online.
- Where can I get more help?
Can you help me to borrow books from other libraries?
- You can borrow books from other libraries through our library. Go to the online books catalog making sure you select the following URL so that you can search on the entire collection (includes all of the other libraries in the NOBLE library consortium): http://innopac.noblenet.org/. Once you have selected a book from another library, click on the Request button and follow the steps, entering all relevant information including your PIN. When the book arrives at our library, we will contact you to pick it up.
- Once you are finished with an ILL book, you should return it to the our library where you picked it up. We will then add it back to the daily ILL pickup. Once the book is picked up in the daily ILL pickup, it will be returned to its home library.
Does the library have reading software for visually impaired people?
Yes, the library provides a software called JAWS. JAWS is a screen
reading software allowing visually impaired people to use the Internet
and other computer applications. Once it is activated on a PC, the PC
reads and narrates based on the actions of the user.
On the library's ADA terminal, take the following steps to use JAWS:
- Turn on the PC.
- Turn on the PC speakers, below the monitor on the right.
- Click Start, Programs, JAWS.
- JAWS Box will open automatically, but there is no need to use this except to quit (or to practice).
- JAWS sets "hot keys" to allow user navigation via the keyboard rather than the mouse. Proficient JAWS users can manipulate the program with ease. Beginners will be very frustrated that certain keys no longer work properly.
Does the library offer ADA-compliant services and facilities?
- The Library works in cooperation with the Office for Students with Disabilities at www.noblenet.org/bhcc/osd.htm. People using wheelchairs will find tables of acceptable height, restrooms with accommodations, and an accessible entrance directly opposite the elevator. Materials, equipment, and accommodations available to people with disabilities include Kurzweil 3000, JAWS, and Dragon Naturaly Speaking software, Zoomtext Magnifier / Screen reader, a talking book program, headphones, key extensions, and wheelchair accessible study tables.