Bunker Hill Community College
250 New Rutherford Ave.
Boston, MA 02129-2925

Spring 2014

Instructor: Prof Bryan Craven

Intstructor Office: D123H

E-Mail: bcraven@bhcc.mass.edu

Phone: (617) 228-2248

Office Hours

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
9:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 11:00 9:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 11:00 n/a

Policy for Individuals with a Disability

Bunker Hill Community College is committed to providing equal access to the educational experience of all students in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any student with a documented disability requiring an accommodation should immediately speak to the professor. Students with disabilities, who have not already done so, should schedule an appointment at the Office for Students with Disabilities (Room D106A) in order to obtain appropriate services.

Course Description

This course will cover the incorporation of modern web design controls for the formatting, placement, dynamics, interactive functionality, and animation web page content with CSS. CSS is the primary technology in use today in the fast paced world of web design and is used to present web content in a standardized manner that far exceeds the capabilities of the HTML language.

Course Objectives

To instruct the student in the construction and application of cascading stylesheets techniques for the effective presentation of web delivered content.


Students are required to participate in all weekly sessions. It is the student's responsibility to pursue the lessons taught on in each week's material. It is imperative that the student sign inti the course on a regular basis and to keep pace with the material as presented.

The student's web participation will be a factor in the determination of the final grade.


Prerequisite: Co-requisite of CMT 111, HTML & Dreamweaver

Teaching Procedure

This course will employ a web delivery system where the student will participate inweb-based lectures, discussions, assignments, and exam projects.

Student Code of Conduct

Students are required to adhere to the BHCC policy on dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism. Cheating on examinations or tests consists of knowingly giving, receiving, or using, or attempting to give, receive or use, unauthorized assistance. Other forms of cheating include copying or purchasing other's work or arranging for others to do work under a false name. Forms of plagiarism include the submission of the work of another source or person without giving proper acknowledgement or credit to that source or individual. This would also include unacknowledged paraphrasing of the work of another or others either by direct quote or rewording another person's idea, thought or work.


There will be weekly assignments which the student is expected complete and submit by the required submission date. Any extension for homework completion must be negotiated with the instructor prior to the completion date.


There will be a midterm exam and a final exam in this course. These exams will be in the form of projects where the student will be provided some unformatted HTML files and will be expected to format them into an effective web presentation using CSS.

Required Materials

Text Title Author(s) ISBN
CSS: The Missing Manual David Sawyer McFarland 9781449325947

Software Requirements

The student will need to have access to a text editing software application in order to construct CSS styles. The Notepad application will be adequate for writing CSS. However using Notepad Plus would be a better alternative because it uses code coloring which helps greatly. If you are currently enrolled in the HTML & Dreamweaver class then using Dreamweaver would be a much better alternative.